DMTN-027: Renaming an LSST git Repository

  • John Parejko

Latest Revision: 2016-10-10


This technote is not yet published.

1   Introduction

Say you have a repository named meas_worst and you want to change it to better reflect its usage as the best pipe_tasks package ever: pipe_best. Several other pacakges depend on meas_worst, and others may be currently working on meas_worst ticket branches. This document describes how to rename the repository with minimal disruption to the LSST build system and its users.

Before you get to this point, be sure you’ve created an RFC on the topic, gotten agreement about the package rename, and created an implementation ticket in which to do the work.

NOTE: The document assumes you are part of the lsst-dm github organization, but can apply to other groups as well by replacing lsst-dm with your organization in the text below.

1.1   The process

Here are the basic steps:

  1. Fork
  2. Rename package
  3. Create branches in old and new package
  4. Rename code directories and files in new pacakge
  5. Rename ups files
  6. Search and replace in source code and docs
  7. Update lsstsw/etc/repos.yaml
  8. Mark old package as deprecated in Readme and via ImportErrors in python
  9. Branch dependent packages
  10. Update depdendent ups tables and import/include statements
  11. Update confluence package history

1.2   Post-move cleanup

Because github keeps track of forks, we could not move our renamed package back from lsst-dm into lsst. Once you are reasonably confident that there is nobody working on meas_worst and that all relevant work has been moved to pipe_best, you can delete meas_worst from lsst and transfer pipe_best from lsst-dm to lsst via the github transfer repository instructions. Once you’ve done the transfer, update repos.yaml again. This final rename step should not disrupt anything, since github creates a redirect when you use its repository transfer machanism.

Summary of these steps:

  1. Ensure all work has moved to new fork
  2. Delete old package
  3. Move new package to lsst organization
  4. Update lsstsw/etc/repos.yaml